Recently Wendy's posted a picture of Pepe The Frog a harmless meme iconized as their mascot Wendy, this particular Pepe The Frog meme had pale skin, freckles, & red hair unlike the tradionital Pepe The Frog meme who has green skin & usually is bald, & freckle-less.
If you don't know who Pepe is you're thinkng what's all the fuss, it's just a harmless meme of a green frog right ?
Well most functioning members of society would agree but there's a group of people mostly liberals, SJWs, & The mainstream media who 100% believe pepe is a White Nationalist symbol & yes it has been lightly assosicated with fringe movements mostly due to an effort done by @JaredTSwift (suspended) & @Paultown_ (Suspended but is now @ThePaulTown) on twitter to "reclaim" Pepe for Right-Wing Nationalistic movements & for the most part they were successful in this Miniture Crusade.
Pepe The Frog is a rapidly succesful meme & Wendy's in it's innocent thinking & amazing skills of banting & memeing thought it was a harmless gesture, an act of love & compassion one could say, a symbol of commonatily between man to enjoy something funny but no instead extremist leftist decided to catch themselves on fire, rolling on the floor, screaming at the top of their lungs "bloody murder".
They ruthlessly attacked the @Wendy's Twitter account until they finally in fear of their PR decided to take down the iconic symbol of the Pepeized version of their mascot (Wendy).
Maybe it was the right desicion for PR & for the income of the company, maybe it was a set back to 1st Amendments rights but simply I believe companies, & individuals for the most part shouldn't be reprimanded over a simple mistake, many folks have been banned, shunned, & economically destroyed because of the horrendous attack campaigns by leftists.
Recently one of our fellow members has been faced with the same issues Wendy's has @RealEmilyYoucis on twitter is an edgy young Conservative animator who was fired from her job simply for showing up at a NPI event & then right afterwards Patreon banned her for being affliated with a "hate group" stealing almost $2,500 of hard earned money from her.
These are just two examples of how the left with it's economic-cultural-educational/"institutional" power can destroy careers & lives.
It is disgusting how people have to be careful with what they say (for the most part) in fear of getting economic stipulations, we shouldn't have to live in fear. We need to make our own institutions, support companies when they get backlash for silly things like this, start supporting Conservative alternatives to popular companies, & not supporting those who don't share our values.
We've managed to do this once folks, Target after it's push for Transgender bathrooms hasn't recovered since, I hope the same doesn't happen to Wendy's for simply posting a frog meme.
Money is a powerful thing (despite it in reality reality not being worth anything, that's a post for another time) & it can destroy companies & lives.
We have to be smart these next four years & start getting Conservative companies ahead in the market.
We need to support those who without any logical reason have been harrassed & targeted, & stop supporting companies who help partake in this harrasment & targeting as well as for various other reasons.
Simply said we should support companies that believe in our values & don't support those who are against us. Wendy's is innocent in this case & we should continue to patronage there.
(In fact I've gone there 2 days in a row, also bought a frosty keychain :^) )
Thank you for reading this article.
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