Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Tell your Senator to vote Aye (Yes) on H.R. 7 & 8 Links for your Senator to look at.

Recently The House of Representatives voted in favor of The H.R. 7 Bill which would be a bill to make the Hyde Amendment permanent. It was passed in The House 238 Aye's (Yes) to 183 No's & now needs to go through The Senate in order to reach Donald Trump's desk in which he said he would sign off on it & make it law.

In order to make it through the Senate at least 8 Democrats must vote in favor of it.
I've listed 6 Democrat Senators who may who may vote in favor of H.R. 7

1 Tim Kaine
2 Sherrod Brown
3 Bob Casey Jr.
4 Joe Manchin
5 Joe Donnelly
6 Heidi Heitkamp

The Senate is going to vote on This Bill soon.
Also below I've provided some links containing info about H.R. 7, how The House voted, & how you can contact you Senator & 8 Links your Senators must see.

Text of the Hyde Amendment

The Contents of H.R. 7

The House of Representatives voted 238 - 183 on H.R. 7

Contact you senators

8 links for your Senator to see.
Link 1: (PragerU)

Link 2: (Wretched)

Link 3:

Link 4:

Link 5:

Link 6:

Link 7: (Crowder)

Link 8: (Hunter)

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Grain unit theory

(You don't have to take this seriously but I thought it was an interesting concept to throw out there.)

Instead of using Capitalism & money for everything, we transfer over to Bartering & Grain units.

Grain units are 10 US liquid gallons & are worth about $4, slightly bigger than a bushel of which I based the grain unit off of but a grain unit is rounded up evenly instead of using an imcomplete measuing unit of the bushel.

So one grain unit would be the exchange rate of which we would base our bartering system on.

One 400 pound cow would cost about 100 grain units.
Milk would cost 3/4 of a grain unit or 7 US liquid pounds of grain.
Bottled water would be 1/4 of a grain unit.

This grain unit would make sure that only necessities are taken care of & that we would have a non-profit & strong currency system which would be much more efficient than most currencies today.

Also grain unlike money & gold have real value because you can't eat gold it just looks cool but grain, you can eat with grain.

So Idk grain units are a thing now you're welcome

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Quick thoughts On race & The Border

I believe that there are differences of the races, I believe the concept of different genetic races is real but what I don't believe in is justice being dispensed differently because of race, if Person A or Person B got robbed from, raped, or murdered, or if they're the person who committed the crime then Person A or Person B should both get the same justice or punishment depending on who committed the crime & who the victim of the crime was.

As for the concept of borders in theory the earth is just a ball of dirt but overtime we've developed either tribalism or territorial concepts, so realistically borders don't exist but I do believe that a Nation or individual who claims a land legitimately has the right to do with that invisible border whatever they want.

So psychically borders aren't real until there's a border-barrier in between them clearly defining the territorial differences.

As for America I believe that we should have a wall.

Friday, January 13, 2017

The difference between Conservatives & Republicanism

Conservatism is a social ideology in essence, whereas Republicanism is an Economic & Foreign Policy ideology.

Republicanism is filled with Crony Conservatives like Jeb Bush who have no connection to Conservative values but simply pretend to care for votes, I would have to say Republicanism ideology is a fair 20% of The GOP voters who only care about money & nothing else, these are your typical cronies & irreligious business owners. The only reason The GOP panders to The Conservative base, is because Conservatives also believe in the free market, economic flow, & prosperity.

The difference between Republicanism & Conservatism is That Republicanism is very amoral or immoral, whereas The Conservative base is heavily rooted in Biblical values.
Conservatives believe in The Traditional Social structure,That Marriage is One Man & One Woman, That Abortion is a horrendous crime committed in our lands, & That we should have Strength but that we should be compassionate as well.

Republicanism, Neo-Cons, & The Globalists Elites feed on Conservatives willingness to help mankind by turning it into industrial exploitation, Conservatives do not like war but we believe we must always help & protect The innocent, whereas Republicanism is expansionary at least in the economic sense to mostly fuel the industries that benefits them.

I feel that the Conservative base have been heavily misrepresented by The likes of mainly Bush & other Crony Conservatives. This needs to be changed, Conservatives need a new party that believes in The Traditional structure, Strength, Compassion, Liberty, Freedom, & Responsibility.

We need strong border security, we need a strong military not for imperialism but for intervention only to prevent things before they become worse, we need to restore Businesses that want to deliver the best for the customer not the best for their own pockets, we need to restore marriages, we need to restore our American identity & many of The Religious principles that helped drive our nation.

The 1950s were a Strong time for Conservatism although it had it flaws had we just kept the same Moral structure in place we would be in a better position than we are today.

The destruction of America is driven by the undermining of American principles & values, The destruction of American families, economic stagnation, & unlimited waves of uncontrolled immigration.

Conservatives are not for open borders, they are against endless wars, endless government expansion on behalf of "safety", we are strong in stopping the economic irresponsibility of DC & The Banks.

Simply Conservatism alongside with our Biblical belief was the driving force of America & we need to restore that instead of accepting Atheistic, amoral, immoral, & Leftist values which destroys the integrity of our Nation.

We must restore what made America a beacon of hope again & hopefully we can do that soon.
No more immorality or weakness but Health, Strength, & Morality. We will change our country !

(I don't know if this was a well thought through thing but I just wrote it to take time out of my day & get some of my feelings out about the misconstrued attacks on Conservatives)

(it was probably a little biased, emotional, & stereotypical but I'm just getting my thoughts out, I'll probably go into more detail in the future & be more coherent & reasonable.)

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Rockwell : The Original Alt-Righter

Most people think The Alt-Right ideology or the underlying key aspects of it came from Richard Spencer, although he did coin the term I think Alt-Righters were around before Richard Spencer's time but the most prominent example I believe is George Lincoln Rockwell.

George Lincoln Rockwell was a Commander & also fought in WW2 against The National Socialist  (Of Germany), it was until he started learning about the Nationalist Socialist ideology he sympathised with it & thus he started a National Socialist movement in America, it's official name being The American Nazi Party (@ANP14 on twitter is the modern remnant of it) but I believe Rockwell's Americanized Nationalist Socialist movement was a break off only partially from The German National Socialism ideology.
From what I hear from Rockwell speeches he advocates for restoring a homeland for Whites in America, bringing "Negros" as they called them back home to Africa (source: & doesn't think it is the whole Jewish's communities fault for the small cabal of Anti-Theistic Communistic Jews, which according to both ANP & Alt-Right ideologies run the world.
In Comparison to iterations of White Nationalists movements prior George Lincoln Rockwell's brand of "Nazism" was much more moderate than other ideologies that came before it.

I believe Rockwell much like Spencer are advocates for moderate White Nationalists movements, I believe Rockwell was the original Alt-Righter & Richard Spencer is simply reviving Rockwell's work, mostly in a push for advocating for a Predominanist state , in which majority of America stays racially homogeneous but of the minorities who do stay they are very appreciative of America, alongside pushing Anti-Globalism as a key tenet because Globalism (Governmental) destroys Nations, & it destroys Nationalism, & pride in your homeland as they state.

They also believe that if African-Americans or any other minority don't like America they will gladly help them build a colony in Africa or in their homelands.
Although there might be a slight difference in the way they think, the things they believe, & the methods of reaching their goals, I think understanding George Lincoln Rockwell is a key component of understanding the Alt-Right as much of it is built around a similar thought process & ideology.
Simply I think this helps build a coherent understanding a base ideology of what the Alt-Right really is, instead of trying to pin down every tiny little ideology within The Alt-Right's umbrella.

If you're not convinced listen to this video & you'll will say this is spot-on what the Alt-Right is

(This article is not to pin Alt-Right as "Nazis" or "racists" but simply to attempt to have a honest intellectual conversation about what the Alt-Right is.)

Thank you for reading this article.

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Monday, January 9, 2017

America The Divided ?

So recently if you haven't heard 4 African-American teenagers kidnapped a mentally handicapped young man & they tortured him because he was white & because he supposedly supported Trump (as of now I can't confirm if he did or did not support Trump, but for convenience of this article let's suppose he did support Trump).

There was a Facebook video by a 18 year old African American girl named Brittany Herring on Facebook, her real name according to pictures of official documents is Brittany Covington, she filmed this torture of this mentally slow young white man. Her & 3 of her goonish friends continued to torture this man as he looked in fear for his life, they did terrible things to him, they scalped part of his head, kicked him & beat him up, even going to extremes as making him drink out of a toilet while forcing him to say bad things about White people.

After this event many people in response started to make a national hashtag #BLMKidnapping mostly due to the assumed association with The radical extremist Black Lives Matter movement, although as of now there is no indication of them having official ties, they have ideological ties in the same deep rooted hatred of authority usually anthropomorphized in the shape of cops or people of the Caucasian/White race.
Black lives matters have done many radical things before such as getting in shoot outs with cops & extreme protests.

But it's deep-rooted hatred goes much further than just white, who is it's main Jihad against, it also attacks those who supported Trump or are Conservative because to them anyone with a Right-lenient belief is automatically White, to them Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom, A White "Negro", & a race traitor or in the words of The Dave Chapelle skit "A Black White Supremacists".

These radical racial extremists not only affect white America but all of America, if you sympathise with Americans ideals & principles they will attack you.

This problem isn't an external problem this is a problem that is internally deep-rooted for years African American communities have been destroyed due to the lack of fathers & aggressive legislation passed by Democrats to force them to have terrible education & put them on Welfare, as well as the Democrats intense focus on arresting everyone for whatever minor thing they can find.

The Democrats thrive off of racism & if they can keep racism alive they will, as you can see we had an African American President for 8 years, Black people should be flying pyramids by now but instead most are shooting each other up dying more than actual war-zones in some cases, as well as struggling even harder than they were before Obama.

Not only is it the Authoritarian State enforced by Democrats, it is also a crumbling & degenerate culture, the once glorious Jazz music & Southern cooking age has now been replaced with a thuggish way of thinking typically stimulated by Rap Music & pop music, also their once great cooking styles have been replaced by the likes of McDonalds thus destroying a once flourishing community even more but there is hope folks.

Our African-American communities will be helped by Doctor Ben Carson (The Anti-Obama) & The Hotep movement, I believe if we replace divisive figures like Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton with exemplars not only of The African-American communities but of American values & principles in general, such as Ben Carson & Uncle Hotep, etc. we will start to succeed again.

Me as a proud supporter of Ben Carson believe that Trump's appointment of him to HUD is a wonderful thing, Ben Carson is an intelligent man who overcame actual racism & became one of the most successful & revolutionary men in the field of medicine, he is simply The Steve Jobs of Neurosurgery, & thanks to his skill to think outside the box (assuming the box even exists for him because that's how smart he is) he will do many great things to change the internal culture of the African-American communities & not only make them great again but Make America Great Again.

If Ben Carson can overcome, America will surely overcome & thrive again

Simply said America has a problem within & we will fix this folks, we can end racism as Americans & as Christians to make sure an event as terrible as this never happens again.

Thank you for reading this article.

I'm on twitter @Rational_Urge

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Sunday, January 8, 2017

Wendys, Freedom of Speech, & The Power of the dollar.

Recently Wendy's posted a picture of Pepe The Frog a harmless meme iconized as their mascot Wendy, this particular Pepe The Frog meme had pale skin, freckles, & red hair unlike the tradionital Pepe The Frog meme who has green skin & usually is bald, & freckle-less.

If you don't know who Pepe is you're thinkng what's all the fuss, it's just a harmless meme of a green frog right ?

Well most functioning members of society would agree but there's a group of people mostly liberals, SJWs, & The mainstream media who 100% believe pepe is a White Nationalist symbol & yes it has been lightly assosicated with fringe movements mostly due to an effort done by @JaredTSwift (suspended) & @Paultown_ (Suspended but is now @ThePaulTown) on twitter to "reclaim" Pepe for Right-Wing Nationalistic movements & for the most part they were successful in this Miniture Crusade.

Pepe The Frog is a rapidly succesful meme & Wendy's in it's innocent thinking & amazing skills of banting & memeing thought it was a harmless gesture, an act of love & compassion one could say, a symbol of commonatily between man to enjoy something funny but no instead extremist leftist decided to catch themselves on fire, rolling on the floor, screaming at the top of their lungs "bloody murder".
They ruthlessly attacked the @Wendy's Twitter account until they finally in fear of their PR decided to take down the iconic symbol of the Pepeized version of their mascot (Wendy).
Maybe it was the right desicion for PR & for the income of the company, maybe it was a set back to 1st Amendments rights but simply I believe companies, & individuals for the most part shouldn't be reprimanded over a simple mistake, many folks have been banned, shunned, & economically destroyed because of the horrendous attack campaigns by leftists.

Recently one of our fellow members has been faced with the same issues Wendy's has @RealEmilyYoucis on twitter is an edgy young Conservative animator who was fired from her job simply for showing up at a NPI event & then right afterwards Patreon banned her for being affliated with a "hate group" stealing almost $2,500 of hard earned money from her.

These are just two examples of how the left with it's economic-cultural-educational/"institutional" power can destroy careers & lives.
It is disgusting how people have to be careful with what they say (for the most part) in fear of getting economic stipulations, we shouldn't have to live in fear. We need to make our own institutions, support companies when they get backlash for silly things like this, start supporting Conservative alternatives to popular companies, & not supporting those who don't share our values.
We've managed to do this once folks, Target after it's push for Transgender bathrooms hasn't recovered since, I hope the same doesn't happen to Wendy's for simply posting a frog meme.
Money is a powerful thing (despite it in reality reality not being worth anything, that's a post for another time) & it can destroy companies & lives.
We have to be smart these next four years & start getting Conservative companies ahead in the market.
We need to support those who without any logical reason have been harrassed & targeted, & stop supporting companies who help partake in this harrasment & targeting as well as for various other reasons.
Simply said we should support companies that believe in our values & don't support those who are against us. Wendy's is innocent in this case & we should continue to patronage there.
(In fact I've gone there 2 days in a row, also bought a frosty keychain :^)   )

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Did Feminist create the Rape culture ?

Did Feminist create The Rape Culture?
You’ll hear this from feminist a lot “there’s a rape culture & it’s the entire patriarchies fault.”
So what if they were right, what if there is a rape culture?

I claim that there may be such a rape culture as feminist’s propose but not by this unforeseen power & grand evil of the universe “The Patriarchy” but rather by feminists themselves.
So why does a “rape culture” exist?
Although I find the idea of a “rape culture” existing in The West silly, I do believe many of the things feminists push for causes a sort of National sexual frustration while simultaneously creating an overtly sexualized country which in theory could lead to a “rape culture.”
So why or how are feminists creating this proposed “Rape culture”?
To me there are three aspects to this, there’s a National sexual frustration, an Overtly Sexualized country & relationship problems. Now you might be wondering how members of a society can be sexually frustrated in a nation where sex seems to rule supreme.

I’ll tell you first of all feminists teach men that they’re rapists that they should not talk to women or be around women, which creates a sort of isolation & bubble for most men over the years, over time it causes men to shy away from women in fear of being called a rapist they develop a sexual frustration with no output or means to express their sexual identity, feelings or romantic interests. So with all these sexual & romantic feelings pent up it makes it difficult to go on without thinking about a woman you like or the “lewd things you’d do to her.”, now yes masturbating to porn partially solves the issue at hand but It only alleviates it temporally & in some cases might make it worse & without a proper way to project all this sexual energy onto a female friend or a girlfriend, it makes men aroused more easily whenever the mention of sex or something sexual comes up.

Then there’s the second aspect to this in a nation filled with rampant sexualization, in our current society young women are taught to wear skimpier & more provocative clothing, the sorts of clothes you’d expect your local sorority girl or prostitute to wear.
Then they have girls as young as ten wearing “short-shorts” or “booty-shorts” and shirts such as half-cut tank tops, which only leads men to struggle even more when every single female from the age 10 to 50 are being overtly sexualized.

While this is going on you have feminists pushing for public nudity & movements like #FreeTheNipple which will make it even worse if legalized because then men will have a visual buffet & won’t be able to walk down the street without getting an erection.
As for modesty, normal relationships, & healthy adults, feminists directly oppose this, they oppose a complementarian or patriarchal society in which men & women have normal healthy relationships.
While pushing for fat acceptance it also reduces the amount of women available for men because most men don’t find women attractive over a certain weight.
So with all this being the case with feminists pushing to make men closeted heterosexuals & almost mandating that women can walk around with no clothes, being promiscuous, & degrading the value of a woman. It makes you think, if we want this kind of culture that puts men & women at odds, always fighting with enmity.

I think the simple solution to end this “rape culture” is to restore the patriarchy, women wearing modest clothes, men talking to women, being sexually respectable while also being able to express our feelings for one another. I think if we restore this sort of marriage mindset instead of sex mindset we’ll get somewhere.

Thank you for reading this article.

I'm on twitter @Rational_Urge

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P.S. if you’re a cute good girl you can slide right into them Dms ;)