Monday, January 9, 2017

America The Divided ?

So recently if you haven't heard 4 African-American teenagers kidnapped a mentally handicapped young man & they tortured him because he was white & because he supposedly supported Trump (as of now I can't confirm if he did or did not support Trump, but for convenience of this article let's suppose he did support Trump).

There was a Facebook video by a 18 year old African American girl named Brittany Herring on Facebook, her real name according to pictures of official documents is Brittany Covington, she filmed this torture of this mentally slow young white man. Her & 3 of her goonish friends continued to torture this man as he looked in fear for his life, they did terrible things to him, they scalped part of his head, kicked him & beat him up, even going to extremes as making him drink out of a toilet while forcing him to say bad things about White people.

After this event many people in response started to make a national hashtag #BLMKidnapping mostly due to the assumed association with The radical extremist Black Lives Matter movement, although as of now there is no indication of them having official ties, they have ideological ties in the same deep rooted hatred of authority usually anthropomorphized in the shape of cops or people of the Caucasian/White race.
Black lives matters have done many radical things before such as getting in shoot outs with cops & extreme protests.

But it's deep-rooted hatred goes much further than just white, who is it's main Jihad against, it also attacks those who supported Trump or are Conservative because to them anyone with a Right-lenient belief is automatically White, to them Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom, A White "Negro", & a race traitor or in the words of The Dave Chapelle skit "A Black White Supremacists".

These radical racial extremists not only affect white America but all of America, if you sympathise with Americans ideals & principles they will attack you.

This problem isn't an external problem this is a problem that is internally deep-rooted for years African American communities have been destroyed due to the lack of fathers & aggressive legislation passed by Democrats to force them to have terrible education & put them on Welfare, as well as the Democrats intense focus on arresting everyone for whatever minor thing they can find.

The Democrats thrive off of racism & if they can keep racism alive they will, as you can see we had an African American President for 8 years, Black people should be flying pyramids by now but instead most are shooting each other up dying more than actual war-zones in some cases, as well as struggling even harder than they were before Obama.

Not only is it the Authoritarian State enforced by Democrats, it is also a crumbling & degenerate culture, the once glorious Jazz music & Southern cooking age has now been replaced with a thuggish way of thinking typically stimulated by Rap Music & pop music, also their once great cooking styles have been replaced by the likes of McDonalds thus destroying a once flourishing community even more but there is hope folks.

Our African-American communities will be helped by Doctor Ben Carson (The Anti-Obama) & The Hotep movement, I believe if we replace divisive figures like Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton with exemplars not only of The African-American communities but of American values & principles in general, such as Ben Carson & Uncle Hotep, etc. we will start to succeed again.

Me as a proud supporter of Ben Carson believe that Trump's appointment of him to HUD is a wonderful thing, Ben Carson is an intelligent man who overcame actual racism & became one of the most successful & revolutionary men in the field of medicine, he is simply The Steve Jobs of Neurosurgery, & thanks to his skill to think outside the box (assuming the box even exists for him because that's how smart he is) he will do many great things to change the internal culture of the African-American communities & not only make them great again but Make America Great Again.

If Ben Carson can overcome, America will surely overcome & thrive again

Simply said America has a problem within & we will fix this folks, we can end racism as Americans & as Christians to make sure an event as terrible as this never happens again.

Thank you for reading this article.

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