Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Rockwell : The Original Alt-Righter

Most people think The Alt-Right ideology or the underlying key aspects of it came from Richard Spencer, although he did coin the term I think Alt-Righters were around before Richard Spencer's time but the most prominent example I believe is George Lincoln Rockwell.

George Lincoln Rockwell was a Commander & also fought in WW2 against The National Socialist  (Of Germany), it was until he started learning about the Nationalist Socialist ideology he sympathised with it & thus he started a National Socialist movement in America, it's official name being The American Nazi Party (@ANP14 on twitter is the modern remnant of it) but I believe Rockwell's Americanized Nationalist Socialist movement was a break off only partially from The German National Socialism ideology.
From what I hear from Rockwell speeches he advocates for restoring a homeland for Whites in America, bringing "Negros" as they called them back home to Africa (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztlRAdvMloI) & doesn't think it is the whole Jewish's communities fault for the small cabal of Anti-Theistic Communistic Jews, which according to both ANP & Alt-Right ideologies run the world.
In Comparison to iterations of White Nationalists movements prior George Lincoln Rockwell's brand of "Nazism" was much more moderate than other ideologies that came before it.

I believe Rockwell much like Spencer are advocates for moderate White Nationalists movements, I believe Rockwell was the original Alt-Righter & Richard Spencer is simply reviving Rockwell's work, mostly in a push for advocating for a Predominanist state , in which majority of America stays racially homogeneous but of the minorities who do stay they are very appreciative of America, alongside pushing Anti-Globalism as a key tenet because Globalism (Governmental) destroys Nations, & it destroys Nationalism, & pride in your homeland as they state.

They also believe that if African-Americans or any other minority don't like America they will gladly help them build a colony in Africa or in their homelands.
Although there might be a slight difference in the way they think, the things they believe, & the methods of reaching their goals, I think understanding George Lincoln Rockwell is a key component of understanding the Alt-Right as much of it is built around a similar thought process & ideology.
Simply I think this helps build a coherent understanding a base ideology of what the Alt-Right really is, instead of trying to pin down every tiny little ideology within The Alt-Right's umbrella.

If you're not convinced listen to this video & you'll will say this is spot-on what the Alt-Right is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaCHBmGWcBc

(This article is not to pin Alt-Right as "Nazis" or "racists" but simply to attempt to have a honest intellectual conversation about what the Alt-Right is.)

Thank you for reading this article.

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