Conservatism is a social ideology in essence, whereas Republicanism is an Economic & Foreign Policy ideology.
Republicanism is filled with Crony Conservatives like Jeb Bush who have no connection to Conservative values but simply pretend to care for votes, I would have to say Republicanism ideology is a fair 20% of The GOP voters who only care about money & nothing else, these are your typical cronies & irreligious business owners. The only reason The GOP panders to The Conservative base, is because Conservatives also believe in the free market, economic flow, & prosperity.
The difference between Republicanism & Conservatism is That Republicanism is very amoral or immoral, whereas The Conservative base is heavily rooted in Biblical values.
Conservatives believe in The Traditional Social structure,That Marriage is One Man & One Woman, That Abortion is a horrendous crime committed in our lands, & That we should have Strength but that we should be compassionate as well.
Republicanism, Neo-Cons, & The Globalists Elites feed on Conservatives willingness to help mankind by turning it into industrial exploitation, Conservatives do not like war but we believe we must always help & protect The innocent, whereas Republicanism is expansionary at least in the economic sense to mostly fuel the industries that benefits them.
I feel that the Conservative base have been heavily misrepresented by The likes of mainly Bush & other Crony Conservatives. This needs to be changed, Conservatives need a new party that believes in The Traditional structure, Strength, Compassion, Liberty, Freedom, & Responsibility.
We need strong border security, we need a strong military not for imperialism but for intervention only to prevent things before they become worse, we need to restore Businesses that want to deliver the best for the customer not the best for their own pockets, we need to restore marriages, we need to restore our American identity & many of The Religious principles that helped drive our nation.
The 1950s were a Strong time for Conservatism although it had it flaws had we just kept the same Moral structure in place we would be in a better position than we are today.
The destruction of America is driven by the undermining of American principles & values, The destruction of American families, economic stagnation, & unlimited waves of uncontrolled immigration.
Conservatives are not for open borders, they are against endless wars, endless government expansion on behalf of "safety", we are strong in stopping the economic irresponsibility of DC & The Banks.
Simply Conservatism alongside with our Biblical belief was the driving force of America & we need to restore that instead of accepting Atheistic, amoral, immoral, & Leftist values which destroys the integrity of our Nation.
We must restore what made America a beacon of hope again & hopefully we can do that soon.
No more immorality or weakness but Health, Strength, & Morality. We will change our country !
(I don't know if this was a well thought through thing but I just wrote it to take time out of my day & get some of my feelings out about the misconstrued attacks on Conservatives)
(it was probably a little biased, emotional, & stereotypical but I'm just getting my thoughts out, I'll probably go into more detail in the future & be more coherent & reasonable.)
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