Friday, February 16, 2018

List of people I endorse, & don't

This list will change over time, I'm just making this temporary one for right now. (I'll eventually add twitter users, & other things too, etc.)

People I endorse:
Ben Carson
Ron Paul
Rand Paul
Noam Chomsky
Robert Reich
Margaret Thatcher
Jeb Bush
Theresa May
Emmanuel Macron
Richard Nixon
Vladimir Putin
Benjamin Netanyahu
Ben Shapiro
Dennis Prager
Tom Cotton
Ted Cruz
Micheal Badnarik
Darrell Castle
Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Hans Herman Hoppe
Murray Rothbard
George Lincoln Rockwell

People I'm neutral with or need to more research on:
Ronald Reagan
Kim Jong-un
Milo Yiannopoulos
Paul Ryan
Milton Freidman
Ludwig Von Mises
Lew Rockwell
Adolf Hitler

People I don't endorse:

Hillary Clinton
Joseph Stalin
Freidrich Nietzsche
Ayn Rand
Paul Nehlen
Justin Trudeau
Jeremy Corbyn
Jeffery Tucker
George Bush
Barack Obama
Nick J Fuentes
James Allsup
Lauren Southern
Gavin Mcinnes
Richard Spencer
Laci Green
David Duke
Gary Johnson
Jill Stein
Al Gore
Ann Coulter
Mitt Romney
Bernie Sanders
Martin Luther